Studio Update - March 2023

Originally written for and published by Ethel Studio on March 2, 2023

Hello everyone! Thank you all for being here and supporting our small but mighty company! To give you a quick studio update, we're entering into an Ethel Studio "light mode" for March + April 2023 while I pursue another life endeavor (I'll tell you all about it in May!) That means we will be shipping out orders just one time per week. So we will consolidate any orders we receive throughout a week and ship them out on a Friday, Saturday, or Monday each week. We will also be slower with replying to customer emails, so thank you in advance for your patience with us! 

We've also taken down all of our gift sets just as a logistical thing with our inventory and keeping things easy for our small team.

Local pickup is also temporarily suspended until early May. 

I hope this helps set expectations up front, yet there's a chance this could be challenging for some who are used to fast 1 or 2 day shipping from other brands and platforms. It's just become the norm, I know!

But I also know we have the BEST customers. Y'all are so amazing and inspire me daily, and so I have faith that everything will be just fine with these temporary changes of ours. 

Thank you + take good care,

- Maggie 


"Anything worth while takes a long time."

- Debbie Millman